TSG Technology
Delivery quality product as highest service level of reliability through latest advance Technology

SAP enterprise management system
Because technology is the utmost priority
TSG chooses SAP’s Enterprise Management System, popular among large organizations globally, for the most seamless and efficient management and communication to all customers and suppliers.

TSG CYlinder management system
We focus just not about quantity but quality and traceability.
In order to manage cylinder business with more than 1 million cylinders per year, TSG develop our own CMS(Cylinder management system) : applying QR code/Barcode scanner to trace all cylinders activity to ensure best quality and delivery to all TSG customer

Real time inventory monitoring
We Know when you need
Real time liquid inventory management installed on bulk gas tanks allows us to always know the quantity of the remaining cryogenic gas in the tanks. This system helps TSG’s Supply chain team to know the status of the stock level at customer site tanks and plan the delivery efficiently. Focused towards managing transport to achieve highest effectiveness and efficiency

tRAnsport management system
Routing is no longer a problem.
Efficient transport planning reduces the waiting time between loads, provides short and fast routes and the best delivery. That is why TSG can deliver gas pipes to its customers quickly, which has always been one of our strong points.

safe Distribution
Driver 's Behavior Detection
The technology which detects the eyes of the TSG drivers can detect fatigue and ensure that every driver is prepared for safe driving all the time